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Popsicle Greeting Card

Greeting Cards

Popsicle Greeting Card

Janice Nelson Made in USA A2 5.5 x 4.25 Watercolor Popsicle Print Greeting Card
Janice Nelson Made in USA A2 5.5 x 4.25 Watercolor Popsicle Print Greeting Card

Popsicle Greeting Card

from $5.00

Add a splash of mouth-watering summer fun with this whimsical popsicle watercolor print greeting card!


  • 5.5" x 4.25" A2 foldover card
  • White envelope included
  • Printed on radiant white high-quality matte card stock
  • Painted and printed in the United States
  • Protected in a sealed plastic sleeve
  • Securely packaged flat for safe transit
  • © Janice Nelson Designs


* Please note that this artwork is not for resale or commercial use


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